It’s the time of year when you start considering what you want from the new year. You might not start on those resolutions just yet, but the thoughts are bouncing around in your head. Wouldn’t it be great if your cat could come up with some resolutions, too?   

Keep Your Litter in the Box 

Litter belongs in the litter box. If you can convince your cat to make it a goal to keep their litter in the box, that’s very impressive—you must be a cat whisperer. Otherwise, you might have to introduce them to Petmate’s top entry litter box. This is a great option for cats who can’t seem to stick to the New Year’s resolution you came up with for them. The tall sides and covered top with an entry point make it a pleasant and private space for your cat to do their business, and there’s also a noticeable improvement in the out-of-box litter distribution system. 

Sleep in Fewer Odd Places

Nothing catches you off guard as much as opening what you suspected was an empty box or lifting what you suspected was an empty paper bag and finding a cat. The cat is probably in a bad mood from being disrupted at that point, which is something you want to avoid. Pick up some bedding for cats from Petmate to give your furry friend a dedicated sleeping spot. You could sprinkle some catnip in the bed to help them enjoy it more. They might get a little kooky with the catnip, but they’ll have the perfect place to sleep once they mellow out. 

Play with the Dogs—Don’t Be a Bully

This resolution will take the most effort because nothing can convince your cat not to make themselves at home in your dog’s large dog kennels. Petmate did too good of a job with their dog kennels, and the cat wanted in on the action, but now it’s time for them to resolve to be a better friend to your dogs and leave their kennels alone. You know they won’t go for their own kennel, but maybe providing other places to perch will do the trick. A window perch bookshelf, a climbing tower next to the sliding door, or a cat window climbing perch are all good options and will provide a great vantage point for swatting at dog tails if they can’t resist the temptation. 

Not all resolutions are about you taking better care of your cat—you’re already doing a great job! Sometimes, those cats need to do some of the work, even if you’re the one actually doing the work. At those times, Petmate can provide the support you need. 

Discover the variety of cat-friendly pet supplies from Petmate at

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